Love and Power

It’s been my experience that old souls suffer more deeply than the average person. They sense on more levels and through many lifetimes. So why don’t they have more joy?

Could it be that they are given more Oversite on the planet? Watching, witnessing. Births…. deaths…. regeneration…. cycles of rebirth. It’s a greater responsibility when you are looking past the veneer of cultural fads and values, to karmic returns on large scale timelines. Life seems more fragile and precious. Also grander and more awesome.

Grief opens you up to more power. Losing a loved one tears your heart apart until you’re not even in your own body. You reach upward towards the Divine calling out for an answer which seems to be outside our galaxy.

And in that open space, God and the Angels are listening, measuring your readiness for a Universal Love that is beyond your current state. Opening your heart to contain an amplified resonance with the Divine Will. Testing your capacity for a power that calls your talents and identity into readiness.

Can you handle using this vision for the greater good? What would you do with it?

In the meantime you heal and regroup, restructuring your priorities. When the time is right, the dreams and messages begin to gel into a new primordial lifeform.

The rest of your Soul already knows how this will play out, because God has it in the palm of His Hands.

Facets of a Diamond

Seeing everything as energy is a little scary because we are creating objects of reality with our thought. That’s quite a shift in manifestation and responsibility.

In this world, we’re so used to driving between spaces and objects that seem real, and they certainly are at this level. But when I meditate, I see that we navigate through seas of emotions, oceans of thoughts, goals and intentions. Every bubble of directed energy lands somewhere.

When we add to each point of energy, we’re building a thought-form. Each thought-form therefore has the potential to develop into a heavier, denser object in space.

This is what quantum field theory is showing me about energy in space and time.

Energy follows thought.

When we add thought upon thought on a particular project or event it will grow in consciousness. Building facets of a gemstone. Crystallizing that reality.

These can take on a life of their own so to speak. For example, while you are depending on certain memories to define you, they become a structure or a place in your mental blueprint.

Around emotional triggers from your past, you find that the more you add to that emotion, all of its cues and all of the pieces of evidence that justify your belief about the event, you end up building a matrix of beliefs.

However, all and any parts can be chosen, shifted, adjusted to a new perspective. A new pattern of light, reflection and bouncing refractions. Afterwards another set of feelings or associations will be visible.

Each level that I visited carries the same potentiality. In the 5D realms, everything happens quickly, so you have to be careful about what you think there. I can’t even imagine what it’s like when we are out of our heavy bodies and in the Spirit realm entirely. It must be instantaneous.

It becomes necessary to shift frequency levels to finer vibrations and back down to Earth again. This gets easier with practice. In the case where we are resonating at a different frequency than our prior self, letting go of certain people and situations becomes almost as necessary. Otherwise they anchor you to old paradigms. 

I’m working on letting go of old patterns and allowing revelation to happen. A balance of choice and receptivity. Reflecting light, clarity and symmetry, like a Diamond.

Movement and Repose

Nothing in the Universe is finished.

All is in a continuous process of transformation, of energy in motion. Energy forming to make stars, planets, orbits… life forms, death, rebirth and regeneration. Our thoughts, memories, and the inter-dimensional spaces are never fixed in space and time.

When I hear someone say that they haven’t finished anything lately, or when is this going to be over, I think to myself, nothing is ever over.

It’s only from our tiny perspective that it appears that there’s a beginning, middle and finally an end to each project. You can apply this to weather, oceans, concrete buildings, government, health, wars, learning, relationship, careers, science etc.

All opposites and polarities are in constant flux. Poverty to wealth, drought or floods, plagues and recovery, popularity or loneliness are all in relative positions to one another.

You are only allowed to see or experience your view of the whole to make the best choices given the chance, to assign values to your thoughts and actions.

In the Gospel of Thomas, an obscure set of writings that was kept from the King James Bible, Yeshua says, in answer to the question,

“What is the sign of the Father in you? , Say to them, ‘It is movement and repose.’ “

” Movement and Repose ” meaning the constant creation, evolution and rest of God.

Here is a link to that book, which contains some more mysterious sayings.

Geological time is longer, than our lifespans, however rocks and mountains have their own birth, movement and disintegration that take millions of years.

Star systems also have tremendous life cycles lasting billions of years.

There is nothing in our physical Universe that was not made up of microscopic elements and recombined over the course of its development many times through eons.

So don’t worry about being perfect.
Nothing’s ever done. It is only in transition.

~ Su Maya

Who Am I

The more I meditate, the less I know about myself.

Who am I now?

I’m not defined by my body, my reactions, not the things I have collected.
I’m not my name or numbers.

Not the contacts that I’ve made.
Not the thoughts and memories that passed through my mind.
Not the emotions, not the events.
Not the places that I’ve been.
Not the clothes that I wear.
Not the expectations that I have of myself.
Not the beliefs or decisions I’ve made.
Not the goals, purpose that I have set for myself, or the accomplishments.
Not the struggles, hardships, or injuries that I endured.
Not even behaviors or patterns of action.

I am not what other people observe. Not their expectations, definitions, or judgements.

Honestly there is nothing in this world that can truly define me except that I am a vessel.

I am a vessel for a Soul’s journey.

– Su Maya

Deep Abiding Love

It’s hard to define. It is not quantifiable. There are no parameters or structures, there are no words that can explain what a deep abiding Love feels like.

I have such a sensitivity to all of life. When somebody expresses themselves I feel it empathically. When someone is in pain I feel it. When someone is kind to me I’m surprised by how much love I feel in return. It just wells up in me, overcomes every other thought, every other plan. It wipes out concern prejudice judgement. After all the trouble and hardship that I’ve been through what remains is only love.

I think God is showing me something. I spent so much of my life trying to be sharp and keen and on top of things. Almost like my plans, my intellect are falling back, while my vision for humanity, for nature, the weather, the planet have expanded beyond any logic. There are no limits to this kind of love.

If somebody is resonant with me on those levels we could connect from anywhere on this planet. We could connect from any dimension on the higher levels. We could connect on the angelic and the Holy Spirit levels. There are no boundaries for this kind of love.

The only little fear in the back of my mind when I have so much love in my heart and in my energy field, is that maybe I’m coming to the end of my road. I mean isn’t that the goal to learn to love that much on the planet despite all of the opposition, all the chaos, all of the arguments. Isn’t that the goal for life, to learn to be like Yeshua?

What happens next? I don’t know. I only know what I feel and it is truly blissful.

Cosmic Consciousness

I understand now.

All consciousness is available when you are not focused on your singular identity.

Self concept is extinguished, or ignited, into many dimensions.

I AM simply a construct of atoms and frequencies changing through infinite times/spaces.

Is this called enlightenment?  Part of the ascension? I think I will just call it expanded Awareness.

Arts, Sciences and Knowledge of the ages are together in the highest spaces of consciousness.

One must reach upward to synthesize understanding of the various points of the construct. Each construct of the mind is a matrix of thought forms.

Our reality, or any other, is made up of memories, dreams, visualizations and stories including all pasts and futures saved in the collective.

The wisdom of intellect and understanding is mirrored at the highest level of consciousness. In order to perceive this, one must do the clearing work and remove preconceptions.

In essence, they are reflections and refractions of Light. -Su Maya

Reaching Higher