Astrology Chart Readings

When your birthday comes around you may be interested in a transit chart reading. Kind of like a blueprint of the year.

All I would need is your birth day, time inc time zone, city and state. Then I can calculate the position of the planets next to your natal chart.

The interpretation follow up on the phone call would last 60 minutes. Plan to take notes for the many details.

Feel free to pass this on to a friend.
Thank you for your interest in my work.

Su Maya, Spiritual Counselor

Love Offering or Donation

When  you have tried my meditations  or have listened to my talks, please consider making a donation to help cover the costs.

My time, energy and training  are all part of the  experience.  Thanks so much.

Send a text message to 575 425 0770. I will reply with a link.

Follow the link to my PayPal. The name will appear as Innovation Resources, but it is still just me. 🌸🌷🌺

Mission Statement

“Clear Blue Light” from Energygrid Magazine

Su Maya is here at this time to help as many beings as possible before the imminent “time shifts”. As a result of her unusual vocation — one which Su prepared for by studying philosophy, psychology, world religions, sciences and the fine arts — she has shunned a “conventional” life and has spent the last 24 years in countless hours of meditation, Samadhi and energetic purification, and the last 11 years as a monk. This has allowed Su to further develop her deep sensitivity for the benefit of all beings, and to clear karmic attachments and emotional heaviness that interferes with inner clarity and soul-purification.

As a result of her meticulous soul preparation work, Su is able to assist and empower individuals who are interested in: *Astrology charts *Energy shifts *Transitions *New realities *Creativity *Christ and Angels *Animals, Nature and the Elements *Healing *Careers and Soul purpose *Spiritual guidance *Transmission meditation *Prophecy of global change. Deeper work can also be done such as the reception of higher-dimensional messages, contacting loved ones who have passed away, uncovering of past and future lives and completely changing personal paradigms.

Su Maya’s spiritual philosophy is simple: God is in all things and reflected in each of us, although few truly realize this or mistakenly use it as justification to do anything they want. With God-realization comes responsibility as we each help the other on our return journey to Oneness.

Su has also worked in the media with many renowned healers, ministers and community leaders such as: Sufi Master Sherif Baba; Lynn Andrews, author of the “Medicine Woman” series, “Star Woman” “Windhorse Woman””Love and Power” and others; Chris Griscom, author of “Ecstasy is a New Frequency” and others; Jack Graf, Minister of the Unity Church of Raleigh, NC; Susan Loughan, author of the “The Healing Runes”; Andrew Harvey, author of “Son of Man” “Journey to Ladakh” “The Return of the Mother” and more; Benjamin Creme, author of “Maitreya’s Mission”; and Buddy Piper, creator of the TV game show CONCENTRATION, who is now a modern Miracles reporter.

Asking for a Session

When you are wondering how to speak with me personally, about your life choices, careers, natural healing,  pets and animals, love relations, or other situations, you can contact me by phone.
Dreams, prophecy, connections with spirit guides, spiritual discernment, earth changes are all good topics.
I can calculate and interpret detailed astrology charts, including natal, transit, and solar returns for the coming year.
Private sessions can be arranged at my associated virtual office at

Everclear +1 (801) 797-3867

Thank you for your interest.  💓