The Savior said, “All natures, all formed things, all creatures exist in and with one another and will again be resolved into their own roots, because the nature of matter is dissolved into the roots of its nature alone. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Notice how Mary called him the Savior which is Yeshua, ישוע in Hebrew, not Jesus.

She had been called his favorite disciple and she knew him very well. He may have shared some of the deepest mysteries with her and that many of the writings were hidden or put away so people would not know.

If you would like to read the rest of this gospel I posted the link here

“Blessed are you, since you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is your countenance” [cf. Matt. 6:21].

Parallel to the mystery of quantum field theory, your thoughts affect reality. In return your being is molded by what you focus on. There is your countenance.

Gospel of Mary Magdelane

Divine Presence

I realize there is a Divine Presence at the center of my being.
I let this recognition flow through my entire consciousness
and flow down into the very depths of my being.

Ernest Holmes

Transmission Meditations: are you called?

This year I would like to begin again doing transmission meditations on Sundays. If you feel a calling to assist the planet with a higher frequency, this a perfect way to do the energy work.

Listen to these recordings at:

Tune in telepathically for the Heirarchy to link up with you.

Transmission meditations are a world service in which a group links up with the Hierarchy of Spiritual Masters. With intention and clarity you will receive an initiation of energies from the Masters. This is technically a stepping down of energies from God to fulfill his Divine will. Providing a world service of this energy you actually accelerate your own spiritual development.

To get a more complete idea of how these came about please visit this website at:

I had been running these on a regular basis in the 90’s and it feels like the world needs it now.  Benjamin Creme was a guest on my show HEART AND SOUL and had presented the concept along with his books.

It’s free, it only requires your commitment and clear intention. A background in meditation is very helpful.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ Consciousness return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Divine Plan on Earth.

Season Blessings

May this season bring the peace and healing of God, so that all will feel His Presence.

Love in every direction, Su

Love and Power

It’s been my experience that old souls suffer more deeply than the average person. They sense on more levels and through many lifetimes. So why don’t they have more joy?

Could it be that they are given more Oversite on the planet? Watching, witnessing. Births…. deaths…. regeneration…. cycles of rebirth. It’s a greater responsibility when you are looking past the veneer of cultural fads and values, to karmic returns on large scale timelines. Life seems more fragile and precious. Also grander and more awesome.

Grief opens you up to more power. Losing a loved one tears your heart apart until you’re not even in your own body. You reach upward towards the Divine calling out for an answer which seems to be outside our galaxy.

And in that open space, God and the Angels are listening, measuring your readiness for a Universal Love that is beyond your current state. Opening your heart to contain an amplified resonance with the Divine Will. Testing your capacity for a power that calls your talents and identity into readiness.

Can you handle using this vision for the greater good? What would you do with it?

In the meantime you heal and regroup, restructuring your priorities. When the time is right, the dreams and messages begin to gel into a new primordial lifeform.

The rest of your Soul already knows how this will play out, because God has it in the palm of His Hands.

Facets of a Diamond

Seeing everything as energy is a little scary because we are creating objects of reality with our thought. That’s quite a shift in manifestation and responsibility.

In this world, we’re so used to driving between spaces and objects that seem real, and they certainly are at this level. But when I meditate, I see that we navigate through seas of emotions, oceans of thoughts, goals and intentions. Every bubble of directed energy lands somewhere.

When we add to each point of energy, we’re building a thought-form. Each thought-form therefore has the potential to develop into a heavier, denser object in space.

This is what quantum field theory is showing me about energy in space and time.

Energy follows thought.

When we add thought upon thought on a particular project or event it will grow in consciousness. Building facets of a gemstone. Crystallizing that reality.

These can take on a life of their own so to speak. For example, while you are depending on certain memories to define you, they become a structure or a place in your mental blueprint.

Around emotional triggers from your past, you find that the more you add to that emotion, all of its cues and all of the pieces of evidence that justify your belief about the event, you end up building a matrix of beliefs.

However, all and any parts can be chosen, shifted, adjusted to a new perspective. A new pattern of light, reflection and bouncing refractions. Afterwards another set of feelings or associations will be visible.

Each level that I visited carries the same potentiality. In the 5D realms, everything happens quickly, so you have to be careful about what you think there. I can’t even imagine what it’s like when we are out of our heavy bodies and in the Spirit realm entirely. It must be instantaneous.

It becomes necessary to shift frequency levels to finer vibrations and back down to Earth again. This gets easier with practice. In the case where we are resonating at a different frequency than our prior self, letting go of certain people and situations becomes almost as necessary. Otherwise they anchor you to old paradigms. 

I’m working on letting go of old patterns and allowing revelation to happen. A balance of choice and receptivity. Reflecting light, clarity and symmetry, like a Diamond.

Asking for a Session

When you are wondering how to speak with me personally, about your life choices, careers, natural healing,  pets and animals, love relations, or other situations, you can contact me by phone.
Dreams, prophecy, connections with spirit guides, spiritual discernment, earth changes are all good topics.
I can calculate and interpret detailed astrology charts, including natal, transit, and solar returns for the coming year.
Private sessions can be arranged at my associated virtual office at

Everclear +1 (801) 797-3867

Thank you for your interest.  💓