Arts, Sciences and Knowledge of the ages are together in the highest spaces of consciousness.

One must reach upward to synthesize understanding of the various points of the construct. Each construct of the mind is a matrix of thought forms.

Our reality, or any other, is made up of memories, dreams, visualizations and stories including all pasts and futures saved in the collective.

The wisdom of intellect and understanding is mirrored at the highest level of consciousness. In order to perceive this, one must do the clearing work and remove preconceptions.

In essence, they are reflections and refractions of Light. -Su Maya

Reaching Higher

Think about it

Is the Universe made of substance or space? Think about it. It is made of both, it is also made of more than that. The Universe is made of energy. Energy in motion.

God put the universe into motion by His consciousness, His mind, His voice. That’s why the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word created everything.

And there’s so much more in Consciousness that we’re still discovering. There are dimensions. There are spaces between dimensions. There are interdimensional communications. And we can move energy with our thoughts too.

This is how we can learn to heal our selves, our loved ones, our environment.
This is how we can create a new reality from the substance that God put in motion. Just like He did billions of years ago. So when you pray and when you meditate you are moving the same substance of energies.

First, you need a new reality that is pure and clear and then you can create anything you want inside of it.

It begins by healing yourself. You must move out the dark energies, the negative thoughts, the attachments to worldly constructs of reality, then through this space of clarity you can formulate the next Realm of existence for yourself.


It is very difficult for most human beings to understand what this means. They believe that they must choose from what they already know. They want to recreate what they’re already familiar with. Then what they do is repeat the old paradigm of pattern and wonder why aren’t  they creating anything new.

So if you can do some of the meditations to clear your mind, your heart, your body, your expectations, then you will begin anew.

Vibrational Healing

Recent studies show that resonating with the right frequencies can actually repair and heal parts of the body, mind and spirit. Here is a good explanation of how this can work.

432 HZ is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe.  It is said that 432 HZ vibrates with the universe’s golden mean, Phi, and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity, and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the procession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.”



The reason for meditation on Scripture

Listen and meditate to beautiful versions of the most Holy Biblical stories.

You will gain in deep understanding of God’s purpose in Creation.

In fact, not only will you have a nice visual experience, but it will work on the causal, astral and material planes to assist you in clearing the path to Enlightenment.

Asking for a Session

When you are wondering how to speak with me personally, about your life choices, careers, natural healing,  pets and animals, love relations, or other situations, you can contact me by phone.
Dreams, prophecy, connections with spirit guides, spiritual discernment, earth changes are all good topics.
I can calculate and interpret detailed astrology charts, including natal, transit, and solar returns for the coming year.
Private sessions can be arranged at my associated virtual office at

Everclear +1 (801) 797-3867

Thank you for your interest.  💓