Prayer Power


Watch this moving video about prayer and the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

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Making the Season Personal

This is the time of year that can be most amazing and fun, or difficult for individuals with a history of sad memories. Personally, I have had several tragedies hit right at or around the Holiday season.

When I was in my 20’s, the house in which I resided burned down, due to Christmas lights in the attic. I was at a party that night and almost lost my dog, Salty, but luckily a kind neighbor let him out while the firetrucks were spraying water on the fires. However, the following year Salty died of cancer, just after New Year’s Day.

Many winters passed with ups and downs until I found my life in danger by a crazy stalker. He was breaking into my house, and threatening my neighborhood. I had to contact law enforcement and the FBI, dealing with a whole new world of intrigue and espionage.

The next great tragedy was when my Mother transitioned, in Dec. 2010. My brother, sister and I spent that month grieving and sorting out her belongings.

The year after was hard as well, as I was nursing another beloved pet dog, Shevah, during an illness of seizures until I finally let her go back to Heaven.

Now with all the hurtful times, I still make holiday seasons personally spiritual by remembering to create precious moments. There were lots of potluck parties, genuinely good people and laughter. Lighting candles, sending prayers up to anyone that needs it, and appreciating the gifts that are all around us, created by God.

Making your holiday season work can be a creative process. If you release expectations of how Christmas should look, or how Hanukah is not celebrated enough, or how you are separated by distance from family and friends, or how you may be experiencing pain, you can open up a space in your heart and mind to receive a new way to be.

Stay open to small miracles, to messages that may come along, to making a new friend just when you least expect it. Pain can be transformed into an opportunity for learning about healing and patience. Loneliness can be transformed into a calling to be closer to your Angels, Guides and further Spiritual Awakening.

Gifts we might enjoy all year long, and all our lives can arrive at this time. Many blessings to you and your loved ones during this time. Let it shine.

Wind & Waves: Shaping the World for our Future

Geophysical and astrological insights by Su Maya

Several times in Earth’s history, over millions of years, there have been changes in the shapes and movements of the oceans. Evidence shows where the coastlines used to be, where sea plants and marine life left their skeletons. The Grand Canyon and a large part of the southwestern United States are strong examples of places that held oceanic life and is desert now with a river running through it. When you walk on the desert floor, you can still find fossils and shells. More of Africa was once covered with lush tropical forest and many more animals. It is still possible for large bodies of water to change shape around our land masses.

Naturally, we are moved by much larger forces in our Solar System because as the energy shifts it effects global environments. We are influenced by energies as part of this intricate design. It begins with the relationship between the elements at the atomic and cellular levels, then works its way out into perceivable realities. The elements have always been in motion so it is really nothing new in the grand scheme of the Universe.

This is not a prediction of a sudden collapse of the world, just about weather’s movement on our local plane of existence. Even with all the high tech devices that are available to us, it’s not possible to predict all the hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, or weather patterns, especially if the patterns we have gotten used to shift over time. It will most likely be a gradual carving and sculpting of our current perimeters and lifestyles. There are a ways to evolve with the climate, so I am including suggestions to guide us through possible shifts in the coming years.

Space Weather

A great source of electro-magnetic energy is the Sun, which is reaching its 11 year solar maximum. The last one was around 2001. During excited periods, powerful waves of energy called Solar Winds, can disrupt mass communications and shift mind/ body connections with startling effects. It’s heat can increase pressure on already desperate landscapes. As it burns off moisture, it is also burning off protective layers in our atmosphere exposing everyone to higher levels of radiation. If you have ever lived in southern Arizona, Africa or the Middle East in the summer you would have a sense of this burning environment.

There is geological evidence of major polar shifts around the planet. That means North and South poles can reverse. It is still not known how this happens or what it takes on the surface to adjust. One theory is that strong magnetic forces from the Sun could realign our magnetic fields down to the iron core. It is not expected to happen soon though.

Astrology and Climate Change

Wind driven hurricanes and tornadoes can develop within forecast models, or totally break them. This year the tornadoes started early, hurricanes too, and the windy season is still ongoing.This spring and summer there will be several planets in air signs. At the time of the full moon on June 4, the Sun will conjunct Venus and later on Mercury in Gemini. Saturn continues in its trek through Libra, and Jupiter will enter Gemini, speeding up thought, air travel, and wireless communications. An opportunity for wind generators of power and other related projects could arise.

With the flowing planet Neptune continuing to transit the watery sign of Pisces for the next 10 or more years, we will see more changes related to water. We have already seen this during the last 2 years.

Water, which takes many forms, including rain, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ocean currents, clouds, snow, glaciers, ice caps, and every combination will be changing in quality and form. Strong earthquakes can trigger tsunamis. Strong hurricanes can flood inland empires destroying miles of farming, livestock, towns and businesses in a matter of days. These scars take many generations to rebuild and the coastlines are revised.

We are so dependent on water for life, but we usually forget how easy it has become to turn on a faucet to get everything done. Good sources of drinking water may suddenly become toxic and threaten lives in or near it. New pipelines and purification treatments may be necessary, at least until the reservoirs can clear up over time. If there are conflicts between municipal supplies, try to look for ways to shore up resources peacefully, or move to a safer location.

Oceans are too powerful to stop, too slow to recover making some historical communities uninhabitable, especially if the ecosystem is damaged, poisoning the fish and their food sources. Examples of these kind of changes can be seen in Japan, New Orleans, and several fragile islands worldwide.

In contrast, we are also seeing more fires, more intense heat waves, more heat related illnesses. This week New Mexico is having one of its worst wildfires ever. Drought stricken areas like countries across Africa are especially vulnerable this summer.

Uranus the planet of discovery is in Aries, a fire sign that rules the head. This combination can bring surprising turns in the wind patterns and spark drying plains with lightening and other electricial fires. Old growth forests which have enjoyed many years of rain, can fuel extremely dangerous fires.

On the lighter side, Uranus in Aries will also inspire new ways to deal with these problems. Early warning systems have been put in place and weather radios are being distributed more freely than before. This transit is just in its early stages and will last several more years, so we will have time to brainstorm more ideas.

Pluto in Capricorn will also influence the tides of change. Pluto is the great destroyer and rebuilder of conscious realites. Since it is plowing through the earth sign of Capricorn, there have been more transformations related to values, commodities and finances. We have already seen real estate markets, corporations and banks go under, and beg for government funds. This is another slow transit lasting more than 10 years, and there will be more trials.

It may move the soil by means of giant companies with earth-moving equiipment through mining operations and drilling for oil. It may also trigger more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions like we are seeing in Italy, which at this writing has had its third major quake and 800 aftershocks.

Some groups of people who have chased glitz and glamour may face unusual reversals of fortune. Paradoxically, some who have lived a modest life will find unexpected grace that didn’t exist before. This can happen for individuals when the outer planets make strongly aspecting transits in their charts, especially during oppositions and squares. You may already be thinking of a few examples of such people from the public sectors. New heroes and villains can emerge, with ironic turns of events.

Values deemed important in ancient times will rise up from the ashes like a phoenix, based on the philosophies and ways of the Native tribes and indigenous peoples. Their legends and prophecies can be seen as guidelines for sustainable living.


It may seem out of context to read these things while you are in your current routines, but what if you are not prepared? Here are a few other suggestions for adapting for survival, if it becomes necessary.

First, find ways to filter your air and water, to supply heat in winter, and shade in summer, in case the electric grid goes down for long periods of time. Roads can be blocked that will prevent oil, gas and most other supplies from being transported, so have a stock of food for your family and animals that does not require cold storage or cooking. Make sure your First Aid kit is fresh. Keep a bit of cash on hand so you are not dependent on the web, or banks for assets.

Along the way you may search for help from government, insurance companies or other authorities and although you may find some information you may be disappointed, misled or delayed. It’s better for you to sharpen on your instincts and trade skills with those you trust locally, in case of emergency. Some of the best stories of brotherhood and heroism come out of neighbors helping one another.

It is a good idea to watch your animals and native wildlife for signs of changes in their behavior. Their senses are much sharper than humans and will alert us if we are listening. Just like a cat who hides from noises, birds who collectively silence themselves before a storm, or elephants who feel earthquakes miles away.

If people are caught unaware, there can be severe hardship, but more relief to follow as it does with every cycle. However, the simpler your lifestyle, the more your senses can be open to knowing what to do and acting on time. You are free to move on when you have fewer burdens to deal with.

Now is a good time to sort out what is really important. Don’t take life for granted. Make peace with your loved ones, and give away what you don’t need. Life in its purest sense is all we really have anyway.

Remember the tranquility of being grounded and unified with Nature? She will speak to you if you are able to hear Her Voice. You may have to carve away many of the peripheral activities of society in order to be free enough, clear enough to intuit the inner truths. Meditation and simplicity are key here.

In the end, where ever you are in consciousness is where you continue. This may involve a whole new life or a fresh point of view in which to continue the Journey.

(C) May 2012, Su Maya